Animals & Weapons Pattern
The established routine (form) practice component of Kung-Fu-Wushu is referred to as a pattern. A pattern routine is made up of a series of pre-determined moves choreographed according to certain concepts and philosophies including attack and defensive style principles. Hand and leg techniques, jumps, sweeps, stances and footwork, seizing, throwing and wrestling, and balancing are all examples.

Pattern routines were traditionally created to conserve a lineage’s or system’s techniques and tactics and to gradually increase a practitioner’s flexibility, stamina, strength, speed, balance, and coordination through regular training, as well as to “imprint” a tactical order into practitioners. Individual and group routines, as well as duel routines involving two or more practitioners, are all examples of pattern routines. They cover a wide range of methods, including bare-handed and weapon-based approaches.
Kung-Fu-Wushu evolved from traditional Kung-Fu-Wushu and is now presented to the world as a modern Olympic-level sport that combines old techniques with current sports ideas. Athletes conduct routines (barehanded or with weapons) that highlight their athletic strengths while adhering to strict standards.
Patterns are judged by a panel of judges who assess many aspects of performance, such as movement quality, overall performance, and degree of difficulty, and assign a score based on the athlete’s performance. Optional routines, compulsory routines, choreographed duel/sparring routines, and group routines are all examples of individual pattern routines. The pattern competition is held in a dedicated 8m × 14m arena made of high-density foam and a low-static carpet.

International Kung-fu-Wushu federation Since 1991