Fight For Defense
Kung-fu-Wushu Fight is a modern unarmed combat sport that developed from traditional Kung-fu-wushu techniques, and primarily makes use of punching, kicking, throwing, and defensive techniques.

Competition bouts take place on an elevated platform called a “leitai,” which is 80cm in height, 8m in width, and 8m in length, and comprises a frame covered in high-density foam with a canvas cover. On the ground surrounding the platform is a protective cushion that is 30cm in height and 2 meters in width. Competing athletes wear protective gear that includes a head guard, chest protector, and gloves, as well as a mouthguard and a jockstrap.
Competition bouts comprise 3 rounds in total, each lasting two minutes with a one-minute rest period between rounds. Apart from illegal blows and methods, Kung-fu-Wushu Fighter may employ punching, kicking, and throwing techniques from all styles of Kung-fu-Wushu. Valid striking areas are the head, the trunk (including the chest, abdomen, waist, and back), and the legs. The Sami-contact bouts are free-flowing and exciting, and Fighters are awarded points by the sideline judges for successfully-executed techniques based on the scoring criteria. A fighter will be declared the winner if he or she wins 2 out of the 3 rounds of a bout, or if his or her opponent is knocked out.

Fight competition includes 11 weight categories for men and 7 weight categories for women.

International Kung-fu-Wushu federation Since 1991